Author: eveulloa


Join us for Walk & Roll to school day! October 18, 2024 Start: 7:15am Where: Garfield Lake Park. Between W Mississippi Ave and S. Meade St. Walk starts at: 7:50 am Supervision: Volunteers will be at the event to helpContinue Reading

Meet Silver

Meet Castro’s newset staff member! Silver the Therapy Dog. You can follow him on:

Denver FREE Days

10/08 & 11/02 Denver Art Museum ​​​10/11 Mizel Institute ​10/12 Longmont Museum 10/13 Denver Young Artists Orchestra 10/14 Museum of Outdoor Arts 10/20 Denver Museum of Nature & Science 10/25 Four Mile Historic Park 10/27 Brighton Music Choir and OrchestraContinue Reading

No School

No school for students Thursday October 10th- Monday October 14th. Classes will resume on Tuesday October 15th.

BESS Survey

“Parents/Guardians/Caregivers:  Complete the Universal Mental Health Screening to join a raffle for a $25 Walmart Gift Card!  You are invited and encouraged to complete a short form to provide valuable  input on your student’s mental health and social emotional wellContinue Reading

Parent Meeting

Join Mr. Munoz for a Parent meeting Thursday October 3, 2024 @ 3:30pm-4:30pm.

Wish for wheels

Gates and @wishforwheels came to our school to build and give bikes to our 2nd graders.  Volunteers from Gates Corporation came with willing hearts and hands to assemble a new bike for each 2nd grader, then spent time fitting our kids helmets,Continue Reading

Picture Day

Picture Day is coming to Castro! Tuesday October 8, 2024. Information will be sent home soon. You can also order online:

Bike Repair shop open

Castro Elementary will begin offering free bicycle repair starting Monday September 23. Drop off your student’s bike to Ms. Eve on Friday 9/20 or Monday 9/23 before or after school. Bike pick up will be Tuesday 9/24 in Ms. Eve’sContinue Reading

Family Meal Challenge

The Family Meals Challenge is a simple step toward boosting family wellness and student success by increasing the number and quality of shared family meals. Surveys show that the number of families sharing five or more weekly family meals moreContinue Reading

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